Wednesday, 12 September 2012

May - To De Grey Camp

8/5 Quiet day = stayed in bed till 8. Did the washing and POLISHED the truck -seriously sticky tree muck being burned in to the paint and spots on the glass! Filled up with fuel plus the 2x10l jerry cans – just in case! Bought a fleecy throw – I like having my duvet inner doubled up under the topper pad for comfort!
Will start packing ready to go tomorrow.  Thought I should have the tape recorder beside me so I don’t forget what I was going to write here sometimes when I can't stop for a photo.
Karinjini Gorge

Auski Road house forecourt!
Long but easy drive today from Tom Price to De Grey River camp – 8.30 – 4pm! 500km Didn’t even go into Port Hedland. Was going to stop at Auski Roadhouse but clouds of dust from all the trucks calling in. I am amazed they don’t use water trucks – must have a bore there! Even the trees were covered. BUT – did find a hitching guide –  couldn’t find a price so got it for $10. 2 ‘aerials’ with a cup full of putty like stuff to stick on the tow bar and hitch – then when lined up and close enough one knocks the   other off so you know you are in the right place!
Climbed from Tom Price through a huge valley then down to the Great Northern Highway – about 120 km. Seemed to be pretty windy today and a lot of big loads on the road. From there it felt like downhill all the way! Top gear even and no strain. Went through a ‘gorge’ – had steel barriers on both sides of the road!!!! Once out of the hills (around the Auski Road house) then was out on to a huge open flat plain with only low scattered trees. So many dead cattle and calves on the side of the road – must have seen – and smelled around 12 today. No roos or emus, bit did see another dingo. Heard them last night near the caravan park – several howling.
Several white hard hats on the termites out of Port Hedland but couldn’t stop for a photo!

More round red monolith mounds as I got closer to Port Hedland but it certainly is a massive plain. A couple of places there are heaps of dongas – Redmount and Wodinga  so no doubt new mining areas.

De Grey River Camp – first night free camping. Sitting here dripping but all windows open so no doubt will cool off. Another couple beside me – apparently quite a few down at the river but very smelly bins and have to back in to a site. Wont bother with the generator – have steak to cook and gas is on. No phone or internet.  About 500km to Broome I think. Another long day maybe but could go to 80 mile beach?
Lots of people stopped at the camp last night but all pretty quiet other than the trucks going passed, but didn’t hear them during the night. A lot of dew this morning also. Nearly had roadkill for dinner. Several cows and calves grazing the edge of the road and one calf decided to cross – luckly after the road train and before the next one. The cattle are so quiet but the road trains do toot at them (er – honk). The verges mown here also. I do wonder if mowing creates fresh grass that encourages the stock and roos out…..?????
Only 3 hours driving today. Very long flat plains with low scrub= pretty monotonous. This must be an enormous flood plain I think. Can't see the hills for smoke/heat haze? Thought about 80 mile beach but driving on metal for 15 km through the same stuff – then back againL Nah – too hard. So am at Sandfire roadhouse = told there are bad mossies here but I don’t plan on sitting outside! A very large Brahman steer with magnificent horns, and a camel in a pen behind me – fly / tick fodder? Also dozens of peacocks all around the forecourt that have been visiting – coloured and white ones. No phone or internet. Have checked internet spots from here to Tennant Creek – should be ok in ‘main’ towns. Can use a plug here - $10 for the cord then $5 to use!!!! I can get it free at a rest area 150km up the road. Better report to Centrelink tomorrow I guess.
Had a great shower this afternoon – a proper shower cubicle with a glass door! No wet floor to have to try to get dressed on. Cooking pork belly and vegies tonight! Probably way to hot but I just feel like ‘real ‘ food for a change. A wave of nostalgia today – thinking about Malcolm, Mum and Dad dying. Not sure what brought that on!
A very quiet day on the road also – no-one passed me and very few vehicles coming either.

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