April 19 2012
Left Yanchep about 9am. Didn’t stall either!!!! Rig travels
really well – much lighter than I expected. Trucks tend to make the extra
mirror move in when they pass but really think a van camera is needed. Can't
see people behind then suddenly they are passing!!!! Need to tighten the mirror also.
Stopped at a Cervantes
look-out but no phone reception. Put Navman on – better record things I guess.
Fuel up at Jurien Bay 201km. Used Sandy’s Hema book to find a park – Western
Flora north of Eneabba for the night - $20 and am the only one here!!!! Need to
find out why water doesn’t heat on power – maybe need to turn the water switch
inside but thought that was just to fire up the gas.
Have no phone here
but the 4G internet works so emailed and played Wizard 101.
Bed ok but still
quite hard. Had to put blanket on during night.
Thought I should get a camera on the van so I can see
who is behind me so went to Repco and was sent to an electrician who would be
‘the man’ to talk to. A kiwi who threw his hands up in horror that I didn’t
have one as it is the law everywhere other than in WA and he was sure if it
hadn’t been passed here then it was very close. Anyway – he is to ‘ring me and can probably do it tomorrow out
here at the park.’
In the mean time I surfed the net then got on to the
Grey Nomad site. Have had heaps of replies to my question there saying no one
knows anything about any law anywhere including – tell him he is a tosser
who knows nothing!!!!!! I suspect he is confused about cameras and mirrors!
Also there may be a law saying campervans have to have them! So have wandered
around the camp tonight and no one knows anything about it!!!! And the bloke
hasn’t rung me back either!
Ah the joys of ignorance!!!!
About 8 huge boats sitting out at sea tonight – come
for grain apparently.
Bought one of those flat lamb roasts – turbo cooker
and had it with peas and baked spuds,
and enough for 2 more meals . Yum.
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