Quite a number at the
free camp. Chatted to a couple I met down the road. More native insights – what comes
from the land is left to the land. So if they catch and eat a roo they leave
anything uneaten when they move on so it
goes back into the land. When they buy groceries and eat in the parks they
leave the rubbish there for the same reason. The land they ‘own’ is only the
land they happen to be standing on at the time. They would not take a rock from
one part of the land to another either. Anything they have can be taken by
anyone else as ‘ownership’ and ‘possessions’ mean nothing to them. Nice to find people who are not 'red necks' and who are not terrified of them!
Short drive to Mt Isa
– slept until 9 and left very soon after intending to have breakfast when I got
there. Woops – quite a big place with weird roads so had to find a park
quickly! Truck booked for wheel alignment at 2. Front left tyre suddenly worn
on outside edge. ($85 align, rotate, balance and pressure) Ran over a dead roo
right in the middle of the road so I couldn’t go around it. Bugger. Hope
nothing damaged. Stupid caravan park – really tight little sites but only $28
so at least I can power up. Must get a charger. Did get a proper mirror for
right door though – will put it on this afternoon.
Pretty hills around
Mt Isa but the mine is very close and a high smoke stack right in town it
seems. Many parks full of workers also. Windy streets and quite tight with a
van on. First really town I have had to drive in with it.
Woolworths – 3 different types of potatoes and
pickled ox tongue –yum – dinner tonight. Noisy night – screaming and yelling and dogs
barking every time it started!!!! Community nearby I think.
Mt Isa to Julia Creek via Cloncurry. 9.30 – 2.30 Such
pretty hills a lot of the way then back on to flood plains with rough patches
of road. Must be so hard keeping them up to scratch with all the water damage. So much of the
yellow shrub which seems to grow higher here than further west where is can be
more like an alpine plant. Very windy
narrow roads amongst the hills but not too much traffic past the Longreach turn
off. Did think of going to there but the roads may be suspect after recent rain
so will do that another time. (They are labelled either ‘open’ or ‘caution’).
Watched a train passing me for ages (see on horizon of photo) but don’t know where it went – kept waiting
for a rail crossing but I guess it has gone down a bit. Had stock wagons on I
think. Big yards here.
Have a drive-through site here at Julia Creek but
won’t unhook – big lip to back up over to hook on again. Should go into town tomorrow
though – looks interesting. Have fan on – getting quite warm again the further
east I get. Maori lady from Coromandal in the office.
Booked another night here -Dehli belly today – spent most of the day
going to the loo or lying on the bed. Slept for a while. No pain, just feeling
seedy. Played wiz late afternoon then back to sleep. Maybe the 5 days driving
hasn’t helped either. Hot dog at Cloncurry, Mt Isa water?
Well –
what an insane drive today. Felt much better this morning after a good night’s
sleep and the gut is better, so drove to Richmond = blowing a cold gale so
fairly slow drive. Decided $10 to look at dinosaur bones was not worth it. Different if there had been other things as
well. Pretty town with a blue lake and wide streets, but only lunch time so
decided to go to Hughenden – only another 114 km. Took over 2 hours as I was
doing to 60km every time I got to a culvert – and there are hundreds of them
over this flood plain. Talk about pig-rooting! Crazy bucking and they don’t look
that bad as you approach them – I learnt very quickly to expect the worst.
These flood plain roads are the pits – probably won’t come back this way again
so have booked 2 nights and will go to the Porcupine gorge tomorrow – about
70km inland and pretty spectacular I am told.
rodeos where ever I go – always next month – or last weekend! Nights are
getting colder. Will need to cover the vent over the bed I think. Need to
decide where to go after August – depend on the weather – will need to stay in
reasonably warm areas!
flying up the middle of the road just out of Hughenden – weird feeling having
it fly over
Drove the 60km to the Porcupine look out.
120m deep. Nice drive through cattle country.
Got a level from hardware, went through the
dinosaur museum. A pain not being able to read the labels without glasses these
Did the truck bypass – a town very like Otorohanga
I think and a big sale yard beside the road with a bank of seats for the
buyers. Decided I didn’t need to drive in town! Pretty place though. Stopped
for fuel at the Burdekin Duck Roadhouse and decided to stay the night. Got the
owners very excited – they have only been here 7 weeks so while son managed the
shop both mum and dad came out to direct me and plug in the power etc.:) Surprisingly nice ablutions ( I am an expert
on them now you know!) Slate flagstone floor and oiled tongue and grove walls,
doors etc., AND proper shower boxes!!!!
Amazing what looks familiar suddenly. GJ Garner
homes, Fastways couriers!!! Must be close to NZ!!!
lovely drive – so different to the outback! Took a shortcut so missed
Townsville – can go there another time.
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