Back in civilisation –
power and water!!!! Left at 8.30 – at Carnarvon by 12, with a fuel stop at
Very warm here – have
been dripping all day. Fuel went from 15l
per 100kmm to 17.5 when I used the aircon on Sunday – only for a few 5 min
stints – and drove in top gear a lot of the way so …… tried having windows open a bit and no
fan blowing warm air at me and staying in 5th gear – that seems to
work OK – down to under 15L today.
Have to tighten the mirror again – wind down the window and hold it out when I see a big truck coming!
Got the bottom off but need a socket I think. Might end up getting a big door
mirror yet if it keeps getting loose.
Road reminded me of the
Desert Road today – very low scrub. Saw a few goats, an emu and some cattle.
Not a lot of traffic but at least trucks toot when you let them pass – and
some of the vans.
Strong wind also today
so hard work driving. The van wobbled a bit at times so just travelled a bit
slower. Carnarvon is like a tropical oasis. Palm trees everywhere and GREEN.
The drive up here is VERY flat and low grey scrub so quite a shock to see all
this green. Have good water at this park – can drink it! The station I stayed
at only had bore water.
Feels like time for a
shower then ‘drinkies’ I guess. Love the idea of the box of port!
25/4 Went to visit friends – they took me to the Anzac service at 11. Hate to admit it but that is the first one I have ever been to! Then we went out on the mile long jetty by
‘coffee pot’ train, and lunch at a pub. Bookwork for the rest of the afternoon.
Gascoyne road to Rocky Pool – 4km in on dirt but really rough around the river’s edge and no real shade so took photos and left. Washed the truck –oops – I mean ‘ute’. Have been told to get it right!!!!
Repacked ute – boxes to
back seat. Put foldup table in the van and the stupid wonky one now in the back
of the ute!!!! Paid $60 for a socket and wrench thing to do the mirrors!!!! Out
to the blowholes. Awesome powerful sea out there – quite amazing. Interesting rusty
corrugated iron bach/shacks – the Australia holiday home it seems. SCARY!
Wouldn’t catch me going near one of those. Baby sitting tonight and TV - first time since I left.
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