Wandered down via Narrabri to Pilliga yesterday. Passed a very pretty paddock with stips of green and gold - young maize? and grain being harvested. Misty mountains in the back-ground. Roads were pretty good although you can see where the water has scoured ruts out along the verges - glad I didnt have to get off the road for anyone. The soil is a very different colour here although I suspect it is silt from flooding. Interesting to see levies surrounding houses and sheds on many of the rural properties.

Stopped at the Pilliga Bore overnight. What a great asset to the town. People seem to come from all over to soak in the baths. One old guy has driven down from Wee Waa every morning for the last month for a swim. He drives with his cruise control set on 60km!
There are good toilets, a shower, rainwater tank, free BBQ and several tables. Very large area to camp although I dont think I would be there if it was going to rain judging by the ruts in the ground. Friendly white horse over the fence who likes carrots and apples but wont quite let you get a hand on him! Moved to Coonamble today.
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