Left Yanchep and made it to Meckering for the first night. So much wind makes for tiring driving even though it was blowing against the side of me. Stopped at the camp at the Meckering Rose garden and sent the grand children their presents. Large general store/post office there with a little bit of everything in stock. They are trying to sell the place.....
Thunderstorm over night but only a little gentle rain with it. Still on NZ time so awake far too early!

On to Merredin to get lunch at the French bakery - delicious! There were huge dust clouds all along the northern horizon and it was still very windy and hot. Wanted to get a photo of a dust whirlwind thing just out of Southern Cross but by the time I managed to get off the road it had hit the road and dissipated. Some of the dust is from harvesting and some just blown straight off the cultivated land.
Interesting seeing the straw dumps in the paddocks again. I noticed a header with a bin on the back near York dumping piles of straw rather than leaving it in windrows.

Stopped the night at the lovely big clean Koorarawalyee free camp. Chatting to a Tasmanian couple who have spent the last 2 years working on a coastal station out from Carnarvon. No rain in all that time and had to shoot hundreds of sheep. Very tough times.
Another thunderstorm during the night and some rain. Wash off some of that dust anyway I hope.
Looks like it will be a quiet trip across the Nullarbor with no phone etc. The only radio I can get is the ABC - all 3 channels with nothing but cricket - Really!!!

Shifted to the edge of the area in the morning and ran the generator for a while so I could use the computer while I have good coverage, and charge things up.
Then decided in the afternoon to move to Boondi Rock for the night - only 35km up the road. A corrugated 3km drive to get in there but a very private spot with lots of trees, new toilets and a dam with warnings about not swimming in it. Only one other couple in there.
So many broken branches and trees down in this area. There must have been a storm very recently as the leaves are still green. Someone has cut a bigger tree up that was over the road. Bit hard to find somewhere to park that is 'tree free' but at least they are not huge heavy things here!

Got up early Sunday and did the short walk to the rock while it was cloudy and cool. Much work has been done to make a wall with stone slabs at the base of the rock with 2 channels to take the water into the dam.
I am still surprised that there is no apparent wildlife around especially as there is a dam full of water here. Maybe they only come out at night rather than in the evenings. Don't even hear possums! But the mossies still bite and I still forget to put the cream on.

On to Kalgoorlie to a caravan park for the night. Much easier driving without the wind today. Had hoped to Skype my grand-daughter but I guess she is busy. Nice to have the power and able to run a fan - is definitely warm these days.
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