A while since I posted!
Headed off to Mary pool for a couple of nights.
Much busier than last year! Lots of cattle grazing the long acre. Had to stop to let a cow cross, and
another one on the side shaking her head at me so didn’t get out for a photo! Chatting to an ex-kiwi. Also an elderly couple from Sydney who have been
travelling for years – done all the tracks etc. Come to WA for 3 months every
More very quiet cattle. Am told
the farmers like their bulls to wander around these camps so they get used to
people and become calm. Glad we have our uses.

Stayed a night at Elledale camp - a seal area in several layers. Amazing big moon.
Next stop Derby for a dental appointment courtesy of the government/ hospital dentist! Stayed at Kimberley
entrance park - $35 single ($40 double). Sticky hot even though it was threatening to rain. Rain around Port Hedland causing flooding so may need to rethink the trip past
Good dentist – old fashioned, he stood so I didn’t have to lie
back with water choking me! Uses amalgum for strength! 50% pension discount.
Just can't eat on that side for 24 hours – them were the good old days
Heavy rain
during the night and LEAKING again – darn vent. Didn’t sound windy either so
how is it blowing in? Trouble getting
the van off the site – tree in the way. Weird as I had backed in beside it OK.
Bloke tells me to hook up with the ute on an angle to solve that problem –
learned something useful! Same thing at Leycester camp and I hadn't unhooked
either, but did manage to get out of there – just!
Off to
Roebuck for 2 nights. The o/n rest is closed and decided not to stop at the earlier day rest
one even though it was sealed. Met 3 lots of pairs of women in past 24 hours!
One lot were sisters – don’t know about the others. Taped up vent!!!! Tight sites and pretty full.
Need to go to Broome for shower hose – mine has cracked. Still don’t know what
the attraction is there – other than the beach? White tape along roof edge
where trim looks slightly raise. There is water sitting on the roof over the
vent so maybe it pools there and then pours down and in?

Spent a night at Sandfire to do washing etc then off to Cape Keraudren with the bunch from Goldwire. Had 6 days lazing around, watching them fish, eating FRESH fish, chatting around a fire, fighting off mossies each evening and watching the effect of the tide on the stream we were camped beside. It breached a couple of days before I left so the water started to flow again. The camping rule around here is 12m between camps but because there were 4 of us together we were allowed to get closer. Ranger says there were 140 sites on the night I arrived! Several areas to camp in and well spread out up on the hill. At least 3 toilets and sump points! At $4.50 pn concession a great stay. Lots of Whiting, Bream, little Octopus, and a small shark caught.
The beach is fenced off all along the river mouth as it is a turtle nesting area and vehicles compact the sand too much.
The beach is fenced off all along the river mouth as it is a turtle nesting area and vehicles compact the sand too much.
Dragged myself away and down to South Hedland to a CP o/n - $44 -ouch - but not as dear as Big4 - $52! Big stock up of groceries, filled the gas bottle and a big wash! Tomorrow heading towards Karratha.
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