Had 2 days at the Springvale CP - parked beside people I had met at the Railway Museum in Pine Creek, and near 'Plodalong' - another Grey Nomad from the Website. Then off to the Anglican Church with Kiwi friends who work for Bush
Church Aid Nomads. We set up in their car park under a huge old
bouganvillea tree and had the job of picking up all the prunings done
recently and cleaning up the gardens, pruning a couple of huge
Frangipani trees, mowing the lawns and fixing the sprinkler system The
police wanted the gardens opened up so they could see in around the
buildings where vagrants tended to sleep if they can get over the fence.
Was odd having to lock everything up, not leave thing around the vans
etc. Next to the church is a 'safe' house for children who cannot stay
at home so we were entertained by a couple of young girls who came to
chat each afternoon.

I realise how unfit I am now - a few hours a day was enough - heat didnt help either. Still - we made a big difference after a week. We found out after we had finished that the Frangipani sap is very poisonous and must never be allowed to get into eyes or cuts - bit late now. I did wonder about us hacking in to these plants we didnt know anything about other than they have to be pruned back really hard because they sprout very fast once the rainy season starts. Did find a good skinning knife complete with sheaf under all the leaves so that was a score. Hope it was not something the police had been looking for - that occured to me after I had washed it! We did tend to have restless nights - lots of 'parties' going on down the street until early hours of the morning it seemed so quite pleased to be locked in!
Next o/n stop was Mathison Rest area, (dump point there and new loos)
then to Victoria River Road house. Cheapest place I have been yet -
actually do half price for singles!!!! ($12.50) Big mown paddock, power etc.
Spent the afternoon driving around - down to the boat ramp, then to
Joes Picnic area. Like a little tropical oasis. Lots of spindly kapok trees in
flower - some with the green pods and a few leaves. Did a little bit of 4x4 down to the old Victoria River Crossing.

On to Timber Creek - caught up with the guy who sorted my broken spring last year. Expensive fuel at Fogartys store - 10c cheaper at the next pump - and 20c dearer than Victoria river!
Spent the next 2 nights at the Saddle Rest area - managed to find a quiet spot to back up in to. Spectacular rocky back drop. Had a day reading - didnt feel like 'socialising' for a change. A very busy rest area - 15 vehicles last night.

Made it through quarantine in 2 minutes - not exactly the thorough search I had been told about. Maybe I look honest. Drove in to Lake Argyle, decided that the CP there was very busy and that there really wasn't any way to see the lake other than to drop the van somewhere so drove out again. Interesting drive all the same - pretty amazing rocks everywhere but quite a narrow sealed road and with all the nomads scared of the edges......
Kununurra is very busy - CP's all pretty full but camped here for a couple of nights - catch up with internet etc.
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