Only drove 130 km today – too hot. Stopped at
Cadney homestead roadhouse. $25 for power & water! Very featureless country
today – so flat but came into more scrubby land. Seem to come to a different pastoral
station about every 50 km and plenty of girds again. Checked a couple of rest areas. Although they have
‘carports’ there really is no shelter from the sun. I think the aircon unit
might be just too high for me to sneak the van under them. Pretty dusty otherwise but managed to park under
2 trees.
Saw an ‘utter
nutter’ on the road – guy running around the world!!!!! I know this is the
shortest route to Darwin but surely running during the day is madness in this
heat. He has a support vehicle now – was doing it solo I heard on the radio a
few days ago. Pretty skinny bloke
totally covered in lycra and wearing a blue fly net!
Gave the pokie machine $15, had a couple of small
bottles of wine and a very ordinary chicken wing and rice dinner.
Met the nutter- Tony Mangan from Dublin. Left there October 2010 and jogging
around the world – back to Dublin by Oct. 2014. Had a mate in a car for his
Australia trip up to Darwin, but pushes a hand cart with his gear otherwise!
Tells me it is hotter in the Mexican deserts by a long way!
Restless night – some idiot had a gen going all
night – so annoying. Then they all start leaving around 7am – not like the GN
who seem to stay in bed until 9!
Fri 12th
More interesting
country now – actually seeing grass a lot more and came across ranges north of
Marla. I think this
road has more dead vehicles than livestock road kill – only a couple of cattle, no
roos but lots of cars burnt out. Saw a couple of flocks of birds – galahs and
cockies. Have only seen a few crows and eagles otherwise.
Stopped at Agnes rest – lovely shady spot well off
the road. Read for 3 hours then realised it was 4pm and no one else there so
drove another 30km to Marryat Creek – one couple so stayed here instead.
Beautiful peaceful night – no wind either but did put the blankets on – got a
bit cool early morning.

Sat 13th Off at 9 to the NT
border. Sealed park area there and toilets. I think you can camp. No time
change – SA finished daylight savings last week. A sudden change in scenery it
seemed though. Rocky out crops, and those wonderful wide mown verges. At 130 km
one would need to see anything on the side of the road well in advance I guess.
I am still amazed at how much grass there is along this road.
Goes right back into the farms now so not just the urea from the roads any
more. A few cattle, better fences. Stopped at Kulgera for fuel – that must be
the place the guide said to avoid - $2 per litre! Escarpments, knobby hills and
more undulations in the road but feel as though I am going downhill a bit.
Stopped at Eridunda for lunch – a busy road house on the Uluru corner, then headed towards Uluru. The road is still good but
not as wide as the highway. Mt Connor is pretty spectacular with it's very flat top. Also stopped for the eagles eating road kill but they
wouldn’t come back to the road for me! Stopped at a couple of rest areas with
plenty of space, and water but finally drove to Curtin Springs. All the
powered sites have gone but can free camp here.
To Yulara. Nearly had a run in with a
dopey Roo that was on the right hand side of the road but decided to turn and
jump back to the left in front of me!!!! Lucky I was expecting trouble –
stopped before I hit it. Also some young cattle wandering towards the road
there! Been fires through here – some fresh green grass but lots of very red
bare sand dunes as well.
Yulara is mainly a tourist resort – tucked in amongst
the tress and hills – quite pretty.
Anyway – got a bit
of fruit and lunch at the IGA, filled up with fuel - $2.10 litre but 6c cheaper than Curtin Springs, then off to Kata Tjata – The Olgas. Stunning
from a distance I decided so drove the 44 km to there first. Pretty amazing
jumble of rocks.
Too hot to think
about walking anywhere so back to Uluru and drove right around the base. Pretty
enormous when up under it, but still like the Olga’s better! Trip of 140km,
plus 80 each way from Curtin springs and $25 for a 3 day pass. Good thing the
camping is free! $3 for a shower so using my own.
Mon 15th
Spent the day on the bed reading. Back feeling
better by afternoon. Cool breeze most of the day so pleasant.
This seems to be the time - or place - for Whizz-bangs full of young Europeans travellers - I am missing the nomads who sleep until 9am and who are quietly tucked up after dark!
Talking to a couple
who came via Kalgoorlie to Uluru. Good dirt road nearly all the way, and they
don’t have an off-road caravan either! About 40km of rough stuff but just went
slow. Only needed a 3 day pass to come across the permit area, and didn’t have to pay the NP fee at Uluru
Fuel ($1.98) and lunch at
the Erldunda roadhouse then on to camp #61. Near a bridge over a dry river, some trees, and a couple of
others camped here as well. Nice to see gums again and a few bigger trees – black bark and quite
‘weepy’ looking – must have water in these ‘rivers’ sometime. Getting in to
more hilly country but still with large flood plains. Hills are very rock.
Happy hour chasing flies – not easy to drink under a net.
Wed 17th
Drove to Alice Springs. Good road, into rocky hills, still heaps of
grass around. Saw a few cattle. Flood plains amongst the hills. Alice is a
pretty town with a dry river through the middle and lovely big white trunked
gums. Not at all what I was expecting after the negative comments I have heard, but then I think some people are pretty one eyed about places and cant see the beauty - only skin colour. How sad. McDonald ranges either side. Booked the Caravan Park for 2
nights, then off to Jesses Gap. No water but
amazing rocks.You have to wonder what is stopping them sliding or breaking away when on such an angle.
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