Excellent meal at the Exchange Pub last night. A very popular place it seams - many families with children dining out. Only room for about 20 people to stand in the bar, and big plates of hot Dimsim nibbles on the bar for happy hour (6-8pm)

Paid the $20 (consession) for a key and a book then headed off to the copper mines.
What an excellent tour - drove along the well marked route and the key gives accesss to many sites and through gates!

The old mine pit is now used as a deep dive training pond for navy and police.
The Cornish built the round chimney stack - they didnt like corners as spooks could hide in them, and the scottish built the square stack! (they dont scare as easy?)

Of to the Redruth prison and girls reformatory. Some very interesting reading of 'goings on' there also. Wooden floors are so worn that the knots stick up as bumps all over them now.

Along the edge of the park there are very old ex-government tennant houses which have been renovated and turned into cottage accommodation now (Paxton Park).

Hade coffee and scones up the street from the info centre and was served with the coffee in a beautiful antique gold leaf cup and saucer, tiny old teaspoons, jam and cream in silver serving dishes and an antique plate! And no camera. The only time I wish I had the phone camera activated to send photos!
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