Saturday, 6 June 2015

Winton, Hughenden, Charters Towers

 From Longreach I travelled to Winton through  very dry flat plains. Third year of drought.
Parked behind the North Gregory pub for 2 nights - $10 per night and shower and toilet available. Very hospitable people at the pub, although we were rather 'cosy' in the tight camping area. Had a BBQ dinner and the free wine. Interesting town. Definitely an 'Arkwright' (Searles) shop over the road - needed some time to see everything. Bakery, lovely dress shop with all the right gear for the recent races, 3 pubs, great cafe with internet access and of course - 
ARNO's Wall. What a great use for all that junk one can collect. I presume it is open sometimes to see the rest inside. 
Found a girl who does massage so that was a bonus. Got an extra 15 minutes in exchange for helping her kids on the guitar. Joined another couple one evening playing their uke and guitar.

 Turned north at Winton and headed towards Hughenden. Once again very long straight roads through dry flood plains, but a bit more feed up this way. The cattle seem to be coping, and saw a few sheep as well. Stopped at Corfield camp for 2 nights and spent very pleasant evenings chatting to Liz at the Community owned pub set up in the local hall across the road. Only 4 people in town! Very good prices for drinks, and had her home-made lasagne for dinner one night. 
The camp is not big, but very clean toilets, and the area is well fenced although a calf did wander through one day to eat the bit of green lawn.
Was interested to see power lines all along the roads here. Quite unusual in the country I find.
Chatted to a lovely solo lady who stopped for coffee - will catch up again somewhere.
On to Hughenden. Didnt stop - got fuel then another 40 km to Prairie Hotel camp. Found a spot under the only tree and beside the 'free ' shower they have set up in a tent with a hose, tap and shower head hanging in the tree. The camp was full the first night and most of us went to the pub for drinks and dinner. Lovely old furniture, and  lots to look at.
Met a couple who used to live in my home town - knew so many people in the district so had a great catch-up with them.
Next stop was Pentlands Caravan Park - only $15 single. Good chance to catch up on computer with power and good internet. Have come over the Great Divide again but missed the Lookout I stopped at 3 years ago. Was wondering why a car was backing down the road on the other side - and realised too late where he was heading! There has been a fire through the area.

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