On to Home Hill showgrounds - $15 powered or $12 unpowered. Kiwi couple running it and met another kiwi couple there as well. The free camp behind the Comfort stop is VERY popular. Was full by 2pm. The rest area at the southern end of town is also used as an overnighter it seems.
Stopped at a roadside fruit truck and tried a dragon fruit - deep red and delicious. I hear on the radio that they grow like a weed and climb trees so that even if you kill the base they can still live off their aerial roots!

Spent a few days at Boulder Creek with friends. Have traded my soprano Uke for a tenor one - much easier to play so lots of music here with 2 other players.
Had 2 weeks gramping with my granddaughter. A week at Lake Elphinstone (new toilet block) and several nomad friends who adopted her. Weather was a bit temperamental for a few days but managed a campfire and cooking. Then a lovely quiet drive on up via Collinsville and back into madness from Bowen down to Glen Erin Farmstay CP 10 km south. Lovely spot. Communal campfire, and damper every evening for Happy Hour. Spent 4 days there. A few hours in Bowen - haircuts etc. and found a graphic place - finally got 'branded' with La Vida!
Then a night at Airlie Beach CP and another at Boulder Creek. Heavy rain that night and the creek is a bit cold for swimming! Has been fun having someone to play cards with.
Back at Seaforth for a few days catching up with washing and getting the caravan 'back to normal' ready for wandering south again.