From Dululu I went to Gracemere
via Mt Morgan. Sign telling c/vans to be careful but a pretty good although winding road. Mt Morgan is a hilly town – thought
about stopping but need to get the spare tyre holder welded. Detour out of town
– glad I was going north as a VERY steep drop on the back road we had to take! Stayed at a Caravan Park in Gracemere then back up the road to an engineering place. $50 to weld tyre holder – ok but
didn't tack on to the bottom frame – or straighten itL Headed towards Rockhampton –
and got stuck in a traffic jam about 2km long on the motorway. Road works ahead
and down to one lane. Very pretty town with a huge park, tidy houses, gardens,
new suburbs and shopping areas etc but so much traffic so kept going to Yaamba.
Large sealed area beside pub and heaps of people here. Headed to the pub for dinner – and found a couple I met at Jingellic so went with them and had a lovely catch-up. Gave myself a big fright coming out – didn't see the
bottom step (no lights!) and fell over. Slight graze on knee and elbow and a
bit shaky!!

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