A while since I posted! Long but pleasant drive from Halls Gap to Werribee. Still don't like freeways even though you can drive faster and there are two lanes - don't get to see the countryside! Turned off at Ballarrat and took the long tree-lined Remembrance Drive - and ended up in town so had a bit of a narrow detour to get through. On to Bacchus Marsh and down to the friends at Mt Cotterill that I stayed with last Xmas. Lovely to see them again. Spent a couple of days in Melbourne and was taken out for my birthday dinner by my daughter and grand children. Power off all day Sunday due to rain causing shorting on the dry lines - had to go out to get a proper coffee by mid-morning! Had the Garmin set to avoid toll roads and was taken all through the city past the Victoria Markets - on a Saturday. Finally ignored it and went sideways on to less congested roads!!!! Did do a bit of toll road on the way back - all of $8 but unlike last year I now can go online and pay. Decided not to wait and see if they took the money off my Visa - paid anyway! Got caught last year - a $2 toll with $15 late payment fee that then went to $23 - ouch. Posted to Perth then emailed to me so just missing deadlines each time!!!!

My young friend worked out how to turn my headlights off - ex mine vehicle. Nissan thought about 4 hours and several hundreds of $$$$ - he found a box under the dash and pulled a fuse in about 15 minutes! At least now I wont be changing a bulb every 9 months or so!

On up to Bendigo. Spent 2 days with the friends I met at Tom Price 2 years ago. So lovely to meet people that you can catch up with annually and they still feel like old friends. Then to Marong to the Caravan place to get the fridge gas serviced. Stayed at the park there overnight just to make sure it was working, then on up to Greens Lake. Several of the nomads still there so great to catch up with them again. A thunderstorm with a splash of rain yesterday then dead calm for about an hour (happy hour time ) then wild wind for an hour or so from the other direction! Weird. Had 4 days at the lake then decided to head to Bright. Am at the Glenrowan CP to catch up with washing etc. This is Ned Kelly country. What a pretty area. Hills, trees, some green grass in amongst all the brown.
Went for a 10km drive then back to town. Enjoyed to the Kelly house museum. Loved the egg holder. The interactive show is closed all week so that is disappointing. Had coffee, spent 5 minutes walking the street - very commercial but I think the town would not exist if not for the Kellys!
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