Left the Burra Gorge and drove to Morgan- Caravan Park beside the river. Lots of families here and the Park is beside the ferry. Did the washing etc. Nice spot but headed off to go camping on Thurs and ended up at Lyrup. Lucky I only paid $10 for one night as the camp area is very small with low trees and the loo is way down the road! Very hot so had to run fan all day. Saw lizard on a tree – came out of the river. Tried to rain overnight!
On to Loxton then down to Paruna except I missed the turn at Loxton and the Garmin doesn’t tell me to turn around. Reprogrammed to Pinnaroo and carried on – then after 25km realised I was still going along the river.

Turned around, back to Loxton and on the right road. Paruna is a tiny place. Doesn’t seem to be anything open here. Pulled into a tiny community Caravan Park - $10 p/n but no internet so on to Pinnaroo. Grassy park with a dozen permanent vans for Asian potato farm workers.

Talking to a retired couple from here who have been camped for 2 months. The farmers lease a circle of land to potato farmers who put down a bore and crop the circle.
There is an animal park out the back -lots of birds in cages, roos, geese
$20 p/n powered so staying 4 nights since it is a long weekend. Swimming pool beside
the park and an easy walk to town.

Wandered down the street - got groceries then meat from butcher. Switched
on young man who will do well I think. The grocer got his meat yesterday and
won't get more until Tuesday – will be out by tonight so the butcher is staying
open all weekend also – and supplying the meat for breakfast in the park on
Sunday. Nice little town, has a big soldiers hospital, green golf course, very
tidy. Lazy few days – washing, housework etc.
Quite hot so inside mostly.

Got my headlight bulb replaced - again!!!! Fifth bulb in 22 months. I need to get the lights turned off - this mining thing is getting annoying when the bulbs blow alternatively! BUT - called into the John Deere place looking for a mechanic and they did the job for me FREE. It has cost me anything from $12 including the bulb to $20 plus the bulb to get this 5 minute job done! Should learn to do it myself but it is a tight space to get your hand in to and I think I would end up losing a lot of skin!

Thought about camping before Ouyen
but a very hot and very windy day so kept driving. Had lunch break at Ouyen –
seems a big modern town then through recent fire area. Several very old
abandoned rail siding ‘towns’ on the way. Rolling grain country. Stopped at
Lascelles pub for more cider! There is a Caravan Park there opposite the pub –
but very small and right beside the road. Stopped at Hopetoun eventually. Checked free camp around the lake and found power points on grass.
$15 p/n at Mallee Bush retreat. Emailed a friend to come here instead of Brim.
We went in to town, had lunch at café and a bit
of shopping. VERY hot day. Spent the next few days hiding in the van with the aircon going while the next heat wave rolled over me.
A few people coming and going.
Water-skiers on the lake in the evenings. Lovely spot to stay. I am told the the whole lake had people camping around it over the long weekend. The back area is run by council and has an ablution block for free campers.
The Bush Retreat is fun and a credit to the forward thinking town. Accommodation for 42 people in various interesting buildings. Have to bring your own linen and have the use of the main kitchen. You can hire the whole complex for $400 a night! All buildings seem to be air conditioned - a good thing when a couple of grain silos have been used. Interesting sloping roof on the kitchen block.
Next stop Halls Gap. Although the Grampians looked quite hazy I am told the fire is out other than damping down hot spots - there are still firemen in town. Nothing obvious from the road in to the town although I did drive through a burnt patch where the fire had jumped the main road out of Horsham. A sudden change in the weather from a heat wave to cold gusty wind and 'almost' rain has been a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to the Jazz Festival in the weekend.