A Nomad Friend has reminded me that I havent posted for a while......
Left Port Hedland rather annoyed that my $44 CP didnt have a shower that worked properly - either hot or cold and lacking pressure. Should complain but....
Headed off to
Peawah camp. Backed up and set up then read for an hour but after a text from friend decided to get further south to meet him
at Nanutarra. Thought Karratha roadhouse looked like a good stop – fuelled
up then found they don’t allow campers anymore - $100 fine if you stay there so off down the road again. Got to Maitland river and see people under
the bridge. Found a spot there for the night. River looks very inviting –
lots of water.
Lovely drive – vast areas of very
flat green ‘pasture’ with hills in the distance. Roebourne is a very unusual small
town = the old gaol museum seems to be the main building.
Down to Robe river camp. Big area, dump etc. again.
Read all afternoon. No water in river which is a surprise considering how full
Maitland was, and all other rivers at least had a bit of water. Robe has grass
growing everywhere!
Fri 12th Nanutarra for lunch with friends. Decided I wanted to do Newman after all so headed to
Beasley camp for the night. Called in here last year but flies everywhere!
Another dump etc. Quite a few here. Cold during the
night – had to shut windows. Fuel consumption seems to have gone up rather
drastically – 17 – 19 now – that is nuts.!!! Will go slower tomorrow?

Amazing how the trees cling to
the cliff faces. Cold wind today inspite of the sun. First day since I left
Perth that I have had a jacket and sox on all day!!!! Read again – loving that
Kindle. Happy hour with Perth couple. Bloke with a couple of
kids arrived around 8pm,
set up camper trailer – then was gone by 6.30 – so much hurry!!!!

Sat – Mon What a lovely spot to
stay. The neighbour left on Sunday so I move the 50m down by the river where he
was. Could stay for weeks! Chatting to a French cyclist who
flew in to Alice then biked across country to Newman, heading to
Meekathara and over to Sandstone. He stopped here for lunch.
Another kiwi couple in a bus, others
from Perth doing their first free camp – otherwise just reading and taking
photos. Bird photographer looking for the Bower bird – his wife makes post
cards and sells them. Was sitting out reading this morning and chucked a bit of
bread out for the Butcher birds – and had 2 Bower birds visit. Birds are so quiet here.

Wed 24th Restless night – woke at midnight to hear rain so shifted the van on to the hard road area in case the rain made the camp spot boggy. Several trucks parked there – one with a gen going most of the night. Several vehicles turned up late at night also. Must have finally slept soundly finally – didn’t hear the trucks go!!!! Grey day with spits most of the way to Cue. The park here has had a major make-over in the past 3 years. New power/water etc. toilet…. Only $25 so staying 2 nights. Starting to see more flowers – small yellow and white ones.