Things have slowed down so much these days - well - at least as far as travelling goes. I spent 2 months in Esperance house sitting on 12 acres. Just a lovely cat to look after, and birds to 'water'. It was so lovely to see and hear so many birds all day - not something I have experienced much in Australia. Lots of frogs around also. Did many more beanies and managed to sell 20 of them to the local Mermaid Leather shop. I gave another 30 to friends in Waroona to sell as fundraisers.

Next stop was Shannon NP. What a change since my last visit. There are now 68 large drive through sites, new toilet/shower rooms and a kitchen, dump point and skips. wood, and axe and chopping block are provided to light the donkey for a hot shower. The old forest sites are still there but lots of Marsh flies I was told (in March). Was damp for the 2 days I was there also, and with no TV/phone or internet I managed to make more hats and read many books.
On to Nannup. I was going to check Workman's pool camp but Google showed Mowen Road beyond there as gravel so carried on to Alexander Bridge. What a lovely - and popular spot. Good toilets and drinking water. Had 6 days there, 3 of them with family trying their new camper trailer for the first time. We called into Sue's Bridge - very few caravan sites and the 2 camp hosts were using 2 of them! Heading up to Donnybrook I see that Mowen Road is a great sealed road now - somewhere to go another time.
Back to Waroona to catch up with friends. 3 of us went to Opera at the Mill at Jarrahdale. Did the VIP dinner and had a wonderful night. Stayed in an AirBNB there.

Update as at Sept 2019

Had a wonderful 4 months at New Norcia. Am in a house but doing 35 hours a week in Archives. Scanning letters, sorting and checking old photos, sccanning old admission records from the orphanage etc. Also so many laughs with the Archivist, and good company at the pub when I go there once a week. Have finished sorting 30,000 photos and only have 6 more folders of letters to scan. Lookng forward to a few more months work when I get back in October.

September was a month off as the archivist was away so hitched the van and took a week to go to Kalgoorlie. Was going to camp out at Lake Perkolilli for the vintage car races but when the heat got up to 35 I decided that camping in the scrub with hundreds of others was not really my scene. So - hitched up and headed up to Menzies with the intention of staying at Niagara Dam. Unfotunately I got side tracked with taking photos of great old cars and forgot to plug in the lights. By the time I got to Menzies the plug has disappeared. Luckly I got one sent down from Leonora and managed to wire it up. 2 days in the caravan park was not a problem with power for the AC in the heat, good company next door and meals at the pub!!!
I checked the Mollerin Rock camp but decided not to stay. Lots of room, toilets, firepit and good road in also. Suitable for caravans but might not be so good if the road was wet.
I am now back at New Norcia for a couple of months.
December update:
December update:
8 months working and still really happy to head off each morning to sit at a computer!!!! The letters are done! What a mammoth job, although there are still 5 boxes of the really early ones that I need help with as they have not been translated or summarised in a form that I can deal with. Might try again next year now I have had more 'experience'. I have learnt so much working here. "How hard can it be scanning letters " I thought. That is easy enough but it is the absolute care needed in getting number/dates etc absolutely right that I now appreciate having decided to go back to check and having had to correct a few errors. I have also catalogued a donated collection of personal letters and photos - even that has a format to follow. Interesting stuff.
A couple of weeks holiday over Christmas and then back for a few more months - all new projects to start I am told.
How life can change in a flash. I had starting packing up the van mid March ready to leave the house that has been my home in New Norcia for the past 11 months when the virus put a stop to life as we know it. I had decided to get back on the road and spend 2 months travelling to Mackay to see the family there. Fortunately I am able to stay here in the house and keep working, all be it for one of the Monks rather than the Archivist. All good and I am able to 'work from home'. I have had to unpack the caravan athough am not having so much wtuff back in the house now!
The whole town has shut to tourist, with just the roadhouse open for food and fuel, plus the Post Office.
A couple of weeks holiday over Christmas and then back for a few more months - all new projects to start I am told.
How life can change in a flash. I had starting packing up the van mid March ready to leave the house that has been my home in New Norcia for the past 11 months when the virus put a stop to life as we know it. I had decided to get back on the road and spend 2 months travelling to Mackay to see the family there. Fortunately I am able to stay here in the house and keep working, all be it for one of the Monks rather than the Archivist. All good and I am able to 'work from home'. I have had to unpack the caravan athough am not having so much wtuff back in the house now!
The whole town has shut to tourist, with just the roadhouse open for food and fuel, plus the Post Office.
Update June 2020.

Seems I will be here for a lot longer - WA borders are still closed and plenty of work for me it seems. So much for my big road trip = but very happy to stay here, and more interesting projects to do. I am helping to finish an enormous index of people and their activities from the 16 Salvado's diaries [1847-1900] and typing up the daily chronicles that the monks wrote - working on 1973. There is more scanning to do - pre 1900 wage & account books which will also need to be typed up - makes searching so much easier. I have written up info for display boards for the museum, and have more signs to make now the museum is being updated. I helped 'decorate' the old hotel with potties and lanterns, and will probably spend time in collections soon as the data base there needs updating.
In the past year I have scanned almost every letter in the archives, [the Salvado Collection of 20,000+ documents from 1837-1901], checked them off with their summary, written a few summaries where needed [not the Spanish/Italian obviously]; sorted into packets and checked the info on 40,000+ photos, scanned a few that were not done, digitised aboriginal orphanage records, made a pupil database.... This has been an amazing learning experience for me as archives require great precision and care. These archives are privately owned by the Monks and the information only available to researchers through the Abbot, but Salvado's sincerity in caring for and educating the Aborigines was very deep. Many children were given to him by their parents in those early days to live here and be educated. A fascinating place to spend my time - and to be able to sit at a computer most of the day is perfect LOL. I have a comfortable furinshed house in exchange for my volunteer work
In the past year I have scanned almost every letter in the archives, [the Salvado Collection of 20,000+ documents from 1837-1901], checked them off with their summary, written a few summaries where needed [not the Spanish/Italian obviously]; sorted into packets and checked the info on 40,000+ photos, scanned a few that were not done, digitised aboriginal orphanage records, made a pupil database.... This has been an amazing learning experience for me as archives require great precision and care. These archives are privately owned by the Monks and the information only available to researchers through the Abbot, but Salvado's sincerity in caring for and educating the Aborigines was very deep. Many children were given to him by their parents in those early days to live here and be educated. A fascinating place to spend my time - and to be able to sit at a computer most of the day is perfect LOL. I have a comfortable furinshed house in exchange for my volunteer work