Found the amazing Hakea Victoria in Helms Arboretum. Pity it is such a spiky plant - certainly has stunning colours.
Stood beside a snake at Hellfire Bay - thank goodness it seemed to be asleep. Not sure if a Tiger or what but not getting too close whatever it was.
Stonehenge was amazing and the tidiest Tourist destination I have seen in Aus. The farm & business is for sale!
Big flock of black cockatoos flew past a couple of times - migrating I am told.

New Norcia Benedictine Retreat – 29/9 – 2/10
My birthday present from the family was a weekend retreat at New Norcia. Lovely group of 9 people I was with. All good Catholics…..and heathen me. Dom Chris looked after
us and ran sessions where he told us about being a monk, how New Norcia runs
and the Benedictine Philosophy which was all very interesting. I did feel
though that I had heard so much of that from ‘life coaches’ and motivational
speakers – just not with the concept of God being the giver of this inner
strength! We were shown very old material maps of the 1 Million acres they used to own
& lease – down to 20,000 acres now which they have decided to lease out as
that will make them more money.
Had silent 3 course meal with the monks one day – complete
with our own '2.5 glass' bottle of wine. Coffee with another monk after lunch –
and a glass of port! We were served by the Abbot and another monk while we
listened to readings. Self-help cereal and toast breakfast and 2 course dinner
with wine also!
They built 8 bedrooms against the monastery wall when they
decided to expand the guest house. All twin ensuite rooms – with aircons
donated by an Irish man who decided they were too hot! A suggested donation of
$80 including meals is the going rate. Lots of people booked this week.

The monks pray 7 times a day for half hour (except Sundays )
starting at 5.15 am and last one at 8.15pm. Means they cannot ever get too involved
in their other work and forget about their ‘mission’ to become a better holy
person! They all commit to the monastery for life – some have been there 60
years!!!! The 3 we spent time with were delightful - very well educated
and lovely humour.
Anyway – I stayed an extra night so I could meet the Archivist who has been there for 10 years. I will go up for the 10
days soon to make a start on scanning
letters from 1847 – 1860 from the original monk to people in Europe asking for
money……and who knows what else. The Spanish ones have been translated and are
on computer – they just need the originals copied now. There are thousands of
documents to digitise all kept in temp controlled room. Huge interest from
around the world for this stuff apparently. I plan on going up there in March for however long I don’t
know - 😊 Just waiting to hear where I can camp etc and what cost if any …..
priests, the monks do not administer to a congregation – although some monks
are priests as well and do Mass etc. Father Anscar has spent 28 years at
Kalumburu working with the bush aborigines and built a museum there. Full of funny
stories and has written a couple of books about an abbey cat. He is feeling
very sad though – since he left 5 years ago, 30 of them have died through drugs,
suicide etc.
Interesting that anyone can go to Mass – I always understood
it was absolutely not done if not Catholic. But the history of the place I find
quite compelling.
Decided to do a 'Morphography' picture for the Waroona show!