Had a great family Christmas around Perth, with a surprise visit from family in Mackay. Lovely to have 2 granddaughters together also.
Picked up the van from my friend at Waroona and headed to Herron Point. So many people crabbing out in this shallow estuary. Did have a good spot to camp - but went off today to do laundry etc and camp back to find a young couple with 3 little kids right up hard against the back of me. Is plenty of room for them to have moved over further. Bugger! Very hot so I don't want to have to shut windows so I cannot hear everything over there!!!!
Back to a farm I stayed at last year for a while then the big 70th party at Logue Brook Dam near Harvey. Wonderful to have friends and family from NZ and many lovely Australian friends help celebrate over the weekend. Managed to stay dry luckily. shocking heavy rain earlier in the week.
More farm sitting then the call from BlazeAid again to help set up camp at Lake King to work on flood damage. The old set-up crew there again so that is fun and a few others that had worked with us at Waroona also turned up.
Very small community here - just a Tavern and a small general store/PO but already we have fresh meat in the freezer, and lots of farm eggs etc. The flood seems to have take fences and dumped them out in the paddock - mainly through pressure of stubble building up on the netting I guess. Luckily farmers have machines that can pick up the fence and drag it back into place so it is mostly a matter of putting in new pickets and reattaching the wires.
We had a huge feed of yabbies thanks to one of the farmers also.

Managed to get the ute's weird noise sorted in Kondinin with great young mechanic who found a hole in the manifold exhaust pipe. Bit expensive to fix but I now have power back and fuel consumption is back to normal. What a relief!

More farm sitting then the call from BlazeAid again to help set up camp at Lake King to work on flood damage. The old set-up crew there again so that is fun and a few others that had worked with us at Waroona also turned up.

Managed to get the ute's weird noise sorted in Kondinin with great young mechanic who found a hole in the manifold exhaust pipe. Bit expensive to fix but I now have power back and fuel consumption is back to normal. What a relief!