Topped up at Ceduna then off across to WA. Stopped at a camp past Penong. Forgot about playing golf in Ceduna then too hot at Penong. So much for my big plan!
On to Head of Bight in time to see the Whales. They were very placid so not much spectacular action but 8 floating including a white one. So many people on the roads now - all the nomads heading home I think. Stayed the night there then on to Nullarbor for fuel. So much wind blowing grit all over the place so no golf again! On to a big camp at a gravel pit with lovely views over the ocean. Trucks use this one also.
Saw a dingo eating a roo - just lifted its head as I drove past - usually they run. Couldn't stop as I had a truck behind me.

Through the border - pretty sullen inspectors there. The truckies must get so frustrated having to spend ages there every time they go across. Fuel expensive - should have waited for Eucla.
Thought about stopping at Eucla but once again so many people there so off down the hill to a camp. Very windy so pleased to be off the road. Then I get an email warning of the storm coming through! A friend turned up so nice to have someone to chat to. The wind did die down in the afternoon so we sat out and looked at the super moon.

The next day was also very windy but I went on a bit further. Bought fruit at Mundrabilla but decided not to stay as once again there was a dust storm everywhere. Kept going to Moondi Bluff - and could almost see the fuel gauge moving down. Found a spot out the back of the camp area - had to practice backing to get in to position! The toilet there is still gross! Fueled up at Mandura - have used almost 5 litres per 100 km more than normal - ouch! Jillbunya Rock hole was out among the wild flowers. Getting lots of practice on the Uke and the guitar - can park well away from others so I dont disturb them. Woke to a mist and dew everywhere - and no wind! This change of time zone is a pain - I really dont want to be awake at 6 am! Makes for a very long day if I am not driving very far.
Next camp at Woorlba among the pretty grey bushes and the trees. These camps have lots of roads winding back well away from the road. Chatted to a nice boy - family on the road for a few months again.
Thought about stopping at Fraser Range again but only another 100 km to Norseman so kept going. Such good driving all the way across the Nullarbor. I have been using Wikicamps and am amazed at the comments from grumpy people. The cost of fuel, coffee, state of the camps etc. Maybe they should think about how far it is, what it costs these road houses to run a generator, desalinate their water etc. And the cost for councils to put in nice flush loos!!!! Imagine having to carry enough fuel to cross from Ceduna to Norseman!