Very pleasant drive from Bollon to Cunnamulla. Straight good road but so much road kill. Counted 23 in 7 km. Mulga trees all the way. At least the roadsides are clean so can see anything coming out. A roo raced up the road beside me at one stage. Dead roos, pigs, emus, plus some skinny cows and goats. They have eaten the trees up as high as they can reach and some have been cut off at shoulder height for the stock to eat. I was surprised to see dams with plenty of water in them though.
Out on to the Mitchell grass plains before Cunnamulla. I stopped at the Warrego CP - lovely new park with perfumed rose gardens, herbs between each site and very good facilities. Happy hour down by the river.

Decided to go to Yowah as I was told the road is sealed. Stopped to take photos of a couple of camps on the way - Paddabilla Bore and Eulo then off the main road and 70 km to Yowah. Only a single lane of seal all the way but very little traffic and easy drive. Stopped at the free camp for 2 nights - artesian shower, dump point and toilet, then decided to go to the CP and stay 3 more. Dinner at the CP on Thursday was $15 for a 3 course meal. They fed about 50 that night. Money all goes to the Flying Doctor - visits once a week out here and has a purpose built room to do Chemo etc. Friday Fish n chips, and Saturday the Salvos did a BBQ. Sunday was market day - cheap opals there. I did a bit of fossicking but no luck. A very pleasant way to spend a few hours. Did the very informative mine tour and had happy hour with the lovely CP owners. Was taken out to their house one day as well.
The easiest way to get opals is to pay $1 and got to Tanya's house where you can take what you want from her off-cut trays.
There are artesian baths at the CP - free for anyone. 2 big old fashioned baths in each room - soak under the stars. The new pools will be open soon.
Worth a drive up to the bluff - great view all round.
Back to Cunnamulla to get fuel etc, and meet with friends. Traveled south towards Bourke. Was going to stay at the Bushtucker Inn but not paying $10 to park out the front in the dust where all the trucks stop. None of the $15 powered sites left as a roading gang staying. We thought the Oasis Hotel had a free camp but Camp7 is wrong - $20 CP there so on south to the next camp 60 north of Bourke. Several there overnight. Good drive again - gentle rises and falls all the way. Once again very little feed anywhere but big mobs of cows and calves, and also sheep. Plenty of emu walking the fence-lines looking confused!