Lake Banar - covered in stubble. |
From Tullibigeal I carried on to Condobolin. Good road all the way although a few turns to take. Gentle rising land, huge areas of culitvation. Lake Banar has been cropped as well but there has been 10 years of drought in the region - the past two years have been better. Everything looks so green and lush.
Was wondering what the knobbly poles along the road were until I realised they had telephone wires on some of them - must have used the local tree trunks.
Got groceries in Condobolin then out to Gum Bend lake camp. Lovely spot beside the man made lake which has excellent amenities - hot shower, BBQ, picnic tables. Lots of birds on the lake - maybe not so nice for swimming?
Plenty of people camping here which is not surprising. Lots of mossies though but it is very warm and sticky after recent rain.

The bookies Who I met at Pigs Point and again at Tullibigeal turned up the next day and have parked beside me. They told me about a farm church that was worth visiting. Called into the development centre whick is alos this oinfo centre - sort of. Ineresting place in a large workshop that has been set up like a village street with 'shops' (offices) along each side - Centrelink, Native affairs, Basket weavers, geneaology, craft etc. Was taken on a tour. Got directions from them and headed back towards Tulli. 25km of dirt road but finally got there.

Chatted to the farm manager for a while then up to this lovely round chapel which has accommodation for priests below it. Opened in 2008 it was built by the Swiss who owns the 5000ha organic farm that it sits on.

Lovely small chapel with a very interesting 'sound' effect as you stand on a star in underneath the central dome. It is as though all sound is amplified when you stand there - I dont think it is natural acoustics. Sounds more artificial to me - maybe microphones in the floor or ceiling. Quite weird what ever it is. The Choir of Australia has sung in here.

Thought I would be smart and hum a tune while taking a video of the interior - then did an explanation as well - BUT - still haven't learnt how to video on this camera so have nothing of my amazing voice!!!! Which is probably a good thing but I thought it would be a bit of fun! Must read the book next time so I remember what to do to take a video!

According to the internet this farm supplies organic wheat to Swiss bread makers. It had 'sister' sites in Uganda as well.
The sheds and yards all look fairly new and everything is very tidy.

The manager told me I could carry on north for 10 km and get back on to another road back in to town so was very pleased not to have to backtrack. I did wonder where I was going but after 1 km found the grid and drove through Delladale Farm - GPS actually recognized the road as I did wonder....

Final came out on the road to Kiacatoo road and back onto the seal for 42 km back to Condobolin.