Monday, 20 May 2013

Edith Falls, Howard Springs, Darwin

Had a lovely night at Edith Falls. Two divine swims in the pool. Then up to Pine Creek for a night at the Racecourse again. Lovely people there and only $15 single, $22 double. 
 On up to Kakadu - bad timing. Hot, windy, smokey, free camps shut because of crocs, road damage etc. Had an expensive lunch at Cooinda, on to Jabiru CP for the night then to a friends at Howard Springs. 
Stayed there 11 days and didn't do any tourist things. Lovely to just stop and chat, and have company for meals every night. Did a bit of shopping, went to the market one night and watched the sunset. Went to the local tavern for a trivia night, ate mudcrabs for dinner - a week of good company and total relaxation.
Next stop was Adelaide River showgrounds then a very slow careful trip down to Daly River. Narrow road for 30km. Would liked to have stayed more than the 2 nights but the mossies LOVE me. Had a beer at the pub, a swim in the pool, gave a lady my 9000 Kindle books, and got her on to Calibre.
Back up to Pussycat Flats at Pine Creek. Booked for 2 nights but stayed for 3. Working bee on Sunday so gave them a hand with the gardens. Decided an hour was enough - would be too stiff after that! Then we cooked a BBQ for the blokes. Next day off to do laundry, went to the lookout etc and back to another happy hour at the bar here. Have now landed myself a volunteer job for a couple of weeks opening the Railway Museum from 10 - 2. Free power and water on site! Looking forward to that - I rather like this little town and as I dont have to be anywhere in a hurry why not stay.....