A month since I last posted - my goodness! After a lovely 2 weeks of free camping at Greens Lake I moved to Mt
Cotterill and have been here ever since. A Grey Nomad I met at the Lake
suggested coming to stay at his grandson's property - which I very
gladly accepted as I had not allowed for the fact that it was Christmas
and holiday time, and that all the CP's are really expensive now, and
the free camps beside rivers and beaches are all full at this time of
year! I have been made very welcome, and am thoroughly enjoying having
company, the occasional meal with the family - and a rest from driving. I
have learnt about sipping port through Tim-tams, sampled some lovely old wines, fired an apple gun (we
used oranges), and have seen in the New Year around a bonfire, with a
free fire-works display all along the horizon on either side of
Melbourne in the distance.Amazing Artichoke Thistles here. We thought our Scotch Thistles were bad enough! Very pretty but....

Went for a drive to Campbell Cove -
apparently all the little building jammed together were boat houses
which have now been turned into holiday baches. I didn't poke my head over the dunes to check but a sign did say 'clothes optional area' - nudist beach?

Have seen a fox a couple of times. First time it was heading away having killed all the chooks here - as we found out later! Fire engines on the road a couple of times - grass fires near here but nothing serious luckily. Helped rescue a Galah stuck on the barwire fence - had to cut the wire to get it off. It was then taken to the vet to be put down - had I realised that was to be its fate I would have suggested my assistant should have just wrung its neck.

I had several days with my daughter in Mont Albert, and enjoyed a
wonderful 'proper' Christmas dinner with her partner's family.
Beautifully presented and delicious meal, and much hilarity trying to
play songs on numbered whistles that were in the bonbons.

I have spent some time in Werribee - Christmas shopping, and have had
the ute 100,000km service done. No problems - just front brake discs
Went to see 'Life of Pi' - beautiful photography and a
lovely story -well worth seeing. I think the 3D version would be
amazing. Decided to buy a ukelele as well - and a book with notation for picking songs! Need to keep my nails short. Chords basically the same fingering as a guitar - just have to remember that G is C etc! Hard on the fingers after all these years of not playing.
Went to Point Lonsdale on Sunday. Crazy traffic -
thousands competing in a swim event, plus the thousands who turned off
at the adventure park on the way. Had not realised Geelong was so big.
Heading off to a CP beside the sea on Sunday for a week. Need to fill my tanks, clean the loo etc. Not sure after that - may come back to the farm if the weather/fire danger is still so unpredicatable. Did think of moving to Melbourne but at $52 per night... I dont think so.